I catch myself looking toward your room.
Cancer is like being kidnapped.
Your kidnapper’s choice of punishment?
Torturing your loved one and making you watch.
Once a school girl crush.
Now a great love story.
A vow made long ago.
My favorite place on Earth, you know the one.
Head on your chest, my moon and sun.
I know it’s close.
I feel it.
Deep in the nooks between my tissue and bone.
Who knows how my heart will work once it shatters.
I hope it helps me love more.
A million pieces.
Gravity didn’t work on you.
Hovering above the ground when you walked in.
You are still you.
A wink here and there.
The charmer.
I don’t need much.
Just sit with me, old friend.
I wouldn’t mind this forever.
Maybe if I wish it hard enough.